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CO-SPONSORED SESSION: Latina/o Religion, Culture, and Society Unit and Liberation Theologies Unit

Call for Proposals for November Meeting

The Legacies of Enrique Dussel, Jorge Pixley, and Franz Hinkelammert

The SBL’s Latino/a/e and Latin American Biblical Interpretation and Poverty in the Biblical World program units, together with the AAR’s Liberation Theologies and Latina/o Religion, Culture, and Society program units, will host a session that honors three leading figures of liberation theology who passed away last year: Enrique Dussel, George/Jorge Pixley, and Franz Hinkelammert. We invite proposals that engage their intellectual legacies, especially by considering their impact on contemporary religious thought and biblical interpretation; the relevance of their ideas for addressing current social and economic crises; intersections between theology, philosophy, and biblical studies in their work; comparative analyses of their contributions and methodologies; and interpretations of scriptural texts that employ their thought to examine the texts’ economic and political dimensions and implications.



Steering Committee Members


Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to chairs and steering committee members during review, but visible to chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection