Bahá’í Studies Unit
The Bahá’í Studies Unit invites submissions that engage with the history, texts, and practices of the Bahá’í community. The unit is also interested in papers that explore how the Bahá’í Faith intersects with methodologies in the study of religion. We seek to understand the unique ways in which Bahá’ís approach the study of their own faith and of other religions. Proposals may address how Bahá’ís incorporate theological perspectives into their scholarly work or examine Bahá’í beliefs and practices through the lens of theories and approaches in the study of religion.
Thanks to generous support from the Corinne True Center for Bahá’í History, the unit provides individual grants of up to $500 to help cover travel and participation costs at the AAR annual meeting for presenters whose proposals are accepted.
The Bahá’í Studies Unit explores a wide range of topics within Bahá’í studies including, but not limited to, Bahá’í theology, philosophy, mysticism, history, law, institutions, identity, spiritual psychology, devotional practices, and community life. We also focus on the application of Bahá’í social teachings to contemporary issues such as racial justice, gender equality, the intersection of science and religion, socio-economic inequality, nonviolent social change, and global interconnectedness. Our unit aims to foster a diverse scholarly environment that brings together various perspectives and traditions.