Buddhist Critical-Constructive Reflection Unit
The Buddhist Critical-Constructive Reflection Unit explores how Buddhist thought and practice can address contemporary issues and, more broadly, how Buddhist modes of understanding can inform or be informed by academic study (in Religious Studies, Philosophy, Ethics, Theology, Sociology, Economics, etc.). With this dialogical approach in mind, we seek to support conversations that bring diverse perspectives to bear on the work of critical and constructive reflection.
This year, we welcome paper and panel proposals on any topic pertaining to the unit’s areas of focus. We particularly invite proposals that engage with the theme for the 2025 meeting, Freedom. The steering committee wishes to specifically encourage new and emerging scholars to submit individual paper proposals around this theme as it relates to Buddhist concepts of liberation and awakening, whether practically, ritually, materially, politically, philosophically, or otherwise, as we look to find opportunities to support the work of scholars not already well-connected in the field of Buddhist Studies.
We likewise invite individual paper proposals that might contribute to scholarly conversation around themes that our members have suggested, as indicated below; for the June meeting, we hope to take advantage of the affordances of the online meeting particularly to bring together scholars working internationally. Where an organizer’s contact email is provided, those interested in contributing to a proposal on that theme are encouraged to contact the organizer directly regarding a possible panel proposal.
Buddhism, chaplaincy, and spiritual care
For potential co-sponsorship with the Innovations in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Unit and the Buddhism in the West Unit. Panel, roundtable, or paper proposals welcome, related broadly to intersections of Buddhist thought, practice, communities, texts, and research methods with pastoral theories, professional practices, and contexts of spiritual care/chaplaincy, or specifically, Buddhist traditional and secularized practices and texts that demonstrably benefit chaplains and their care recipients.
Contact: Leigh Miller (program@maitripa.org)
Buddhist ethics and responses, collective and individual, to the Gaza War
Contact: Rima Vesely-Flad (rv3282@princeton.edu)
Buddhist philosophy of isonomia (no-rule)
For potential co-sponsorship with the Buddhist Philosophy Unit. Exploring Buddhist theories (historical & contemporary) of freedom from any ruler-ruled thought-behavioral patterns, social/institutional arrangements, and material manifestations.
Contact: Jessica Zu (xzu@usc.edu)
Buddhist responses to the advancements of sciences
Exploring the capacity of Buddhist theories and practices to engage with modern sciences, including in such domains as climate science; debates around mind, consciousness, and personhood; medical research and human evolution; Artificial Intelligence; and quantum mechanics.
Contact: Allan Furic (A.V.B.Furic@sms.ed.ac.uk)
The Buddhist Critical-Constructive Reflection Unit explores how Buddhist thought and practice can address contemporary issues and how Buddhist modes of understanding can inform or be informed by academic studies (in Religious Studies, Philosophy, Ethics, Theology, Sociology, Economics, etc.).