Program Unit In-person November Annual Meeting 2025

Eastern Orthodox Studies Unit

Call for Proposals

For November 2025 we welcome paper and panel proposals on the following topics: 

-Masculinity and Neo-Traditionalism (co-sponsored with the Men, Masculinities, and Religion Unit)

-Minorities and Freedom in the Middle East: Biblical, Theological, and Socio-Political Perspectives (co-sponsored with the Middle Eastern Christianity Unit and the Biblical Exegesis from Eastern Orthodox Perspectives Unit of the SBL)

-Conceiving Freedom in Orthodox Bodies (Ecclesial, Physical, Political, etc.)

-Gatekeeping and Orthodox Tradition

-Topics related to Orthodox Christianity broadly conceived



Statement of Purpose

This Unit focuses on the critical study of the theology, culture, history, and practices of the many different Eastern Christian churches, including but not limited to Orthodox, Oriental, and Eastern Rite Catholic (numbering some 260-300 million worldwide), including their mutual interaction and engagement with Western Christian and non-Christian groups. 

Review Process: Participant names are visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection