Program Unit In-person November Annual Meeting 2025

Evangelical Studies Unit

Call for Proposals

The Evangelical Studies Unit invites proposals for individual papers or complete panels related to the presidential theme: Freedom. We welcome papers exploring how this theme manifests within evangelical theology, history, culture, politics, practice, activism, and/or social vision, and are particularly interested in projects that offer constructive and synthetic approaches to suggest new directions for the study of evangelicalism.


Possible framing questions include: What variety and range of definitions for freedoms proliferate in evangelical theology? How are the pursuit of freedom and life in union with God convergent in evangelical theology? How are they divergent? How have evangelicals sought to constrain the freedom of others, either in pursuit of their own freedom or in an effort to limit the dangers of unfettered freedom? 


We are especially interested in the use of freedom rhetorically and practically for shaping evangelical engagement in the public sphere. Examples of sub-themes include:


  • Competing definitions of freedom in evangelical theology 
  • Religious freedom and politics 
  • The carceral state 
  • Atonement theology 
  • Immigration 
  • Technology and freedom 
  • Academic freedom 
  • Freedom in the Spirit 

Co-Sponsored Session with the Class, Labor, and Religion Unit: We invite responses to Ken Estey's recently published book Labor Evangelicals: Faith, Authority, and Resistance at Work (Palgrave, 2024) or papers examining working-class evangelicals’ theo-ethical perspectives on or engagement with work, unions, class, and/or workplace power. 

Statement of Purpose

The Evangelical Studies Unit promotes critical analysis and innovative thinking around the study of Evangelicalism through multifaceted approaches by fostering dialogue across disciplines and diverse social locations. Unlike many groups aimed at the study of Evangelicalism, there is no confessional expectation or requirement for membership or participation within this Unit.

Chair Mail Dates
Jessica Wong - View
Peter Choi - View
Review Process: Participant names are visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection