RSO (Related scholarly organization) In-person November Annual Meeting 2025

Karl Barth Society of North America

Call for Proposals

“Karl Barth and Freedom”

The Karl Barth Society of North America seeks papers on the topic of freedom, broadly construed. Papers may consider the meaning(s) of freedom—divine and creaturely—in any of Barth’s writings and at any stage of his scholarly career. Papers that engage central theological issues are very welcome; also welcome are reflections on Barth’s work as it relates broader concerns in the past and present. 


“Karl Barth and Black Theology: Retrospect and Prospect”

The Karl Barth Society of North America seeks papers on the topic of Karl Barth and Black theology. Papers can engage any of Barth’s writings in relation to the field of Black theology, broadly construed, in the past and the present. Our hope is to convene a panel that looks backward and forward, reflecting on key moments in years gone by and thinking generatively about scholarship in the years to come.

Statement of Purpose

Founded in 1972, the Karl Barth Society of North America (KBSNA) exists to encourage exploration of—and critical and constructive engagement with—the theological legacy of Karl Barth, one of the most important and influential figures in twentieth century Christian theology. The Society typically hosts two public sessions during the AAR/SBL meeting each year, with the first often scheduled on the Friday afternoon before the official start of the annual meeting. In addition, the Society works in close collaboration with the Center for Barth Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary to foster engagement with Karl Barth’s life and work. Membership is open to all those interested in and supportive of the Society’s aims and is secured by an inexpensive annual subscription; a discounted student rate is available. Enquiries can be directed to the Society’s general secretary, Philip Ziegler (University of Aberdeen,

Chair Mail Dates
Cambria Kaltwasser, Northwestern College,… cambria.kaltwasser… - View
Paul Dafydd Jones - View
Review Process: Participant names are visible to chairs and steering committee members at all times