Program Unit In-person November Annual Meeting 2025

Middle Eastern Christianity Unit

Call for Proposals

Ecology, Liturgy, and Practice: Environmental Themes in Middle Eastern Christianity. 

The Middle Eastern Christianity Unit invites paper proposals exploring the intersections of ecology, liturgy, and religious practice in Middle Eastern Christian communities, both in their homelands and in the diaspora, across any historical period. Topics might include how ecological themes shape or are embedded within liturgical traditions, theological discourses, and everyday life; ecological readings of liturgical texts; the impact of environmental contexts on worship practices; or the role of Middle Eastern Christian communities in ecological advocacy. We especially encourage proposals engaging historical, theological, anthropological, literary, or interdisciplinary approaches to foster a broad and dynamic conversation.

Minorities and Freedom in the Middle East: Biblical, Theological, and Socio-Political Perspectives (co-sponsored session with Eastern Orthodox Studies. Unit and the SBL Unit on The Bible From Eastern Orthodox Perspectives)

The Middle Eastern Christianity Unit invites paper proposals for a co-sponsored session focusing on minorities and freedom in the Middle East from biblical, theological,  socio-political or other disciplinary perspectives. We welcome focusing on Middle Eastern Christians in their homelands or in the diaspora in any historical period and/or papers comparing Middle Eastern and other Eastern Christian experiences.


Statement of Purpose

This Unit is devoted to the study of developments within Coptic, Armenian, Chaldean/Assyrian, Syrian, Maronite, and other relevant communities living inside the Middle East or in lands of immigration. The Unit promotes scholarship on themes from the early Christian period to the present, encompassing various approaches and subjects. Its aim is to establish an interdisciplinary platform for fostering scholarly approaches to Middle Eastern Christianity, and to provide opportunities for scholars to discuss their work in relation to the overall field of the study of religion.

Chair Mail Dates
Deanna Womack - View
Mourad Takawi, University of the Incarnate… - View
Review Process: Participant names are visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection