Program Unit In-person November Annual Meeting 2025

Philosophy of Religion Unit

Call for Proposals

In order to foster rich, innovative, and challenging intellectual conversations, the Philosophy of Religion Unit is committed to inclusion. Our Unit expects pre-arranged sessions or panel proposals to incorporate diversity of gender, race, ethnicity, and rank.

The steering committee invites proposals on (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • In dialogue with the presidential theme for the 2025 meeting, we invite papers on the concept of freedom. We are particularly interested in philosophical analyses of the contradictions and possibilities of freedom, and how to grapple with its multiple meanings. 

  • Solidarity, whether across differences, in response to injustice, or in service of new forms of community and empowerment

  • Knowledge, action, and hope: what can we know that will motivate us to act in such a way that we’re hopeful? We invite papers that explore the intersection between epistemology and hopeful agency, as well as papers that examine philosophy as a way of life.

  • Early modern philosophy of religion: We invite papers that explore new topics in this important period, including those focusing on conceptions of the relation between philosophy of religion and the natural sciences

  • Methodology in philosophy of religion: What makes philosophy of religion, especially in its more thematic and interdisciplinary forms, philosophy?  

  • Trans theory and philosophy of religion

  • In light of his passing in 2023, we invite papers on the significance of Enrique Dussel’s thought for philosophy of religion. 

  • Intelligence, agency, and communication of nonhuman species, in light of ecological sensibilities and ethics

In addition to individual papers, we welcome proposals for prearranged sessions (i.e., an entire session with a designated group of presenters) on these and other topics not listed here that will be of interest to philosophers of religion. Proposals have a much greater chance of acceptance if they are written so as to be accessible to philosophers with no expertise on the particular topics or figures dealt with in the proposed paper, and they make very clear the central thesis and main line(s) of argument of the proposed paper.

Statement of Purpose

This Unit analyzes the interface between philosophy and religion, including both philosophical positions and arguments within various specific religious traditions and more generalized philosophical theories about religion. We include in our purview not only traditional topics of Western philosophy of religion but also those arising from non-Western traditions and regions and from the study of religion more broadly. We are also interested in the intersection of philosophy and diverse other methodologies and modes of inquiry.

Chair Mail Dates
Lori K. Pearson, Carleton College - View
Molly Farneth - View
Review Process: Participant names are anonymous to chairs and steering committee members during review, but visible to chairs prior to final acceptance/rejection