Program Unit In-person November Annual Meeting 2025

Political Theology Unit

Call for Proposals

The Political Theology Unit invites submissions in the following four areas:

1) In dialogue with the presidential theme for the 2025 meeting, we invite papers that examine the liberal conception of freedom and its uses across the political spectrum today. Liberals and leftists have often ceded the language of liberty to the political right. Why is this the case and ought it to be the case? What sources might prompt reconsiderations of liberty?


2) We invite papers on freedom as fugitivity and marronage for a possible co-sponsorship with the Philosophy of Religion Unit.

3) We are interested in papers that explore the place of anarchism within the tradition of political theology. We are particularly interested in conversations that engage Mikhail Bakunin’s anarchist/atheist political theology, but also invite papers that explore other figures and political traditions that may be historically constitutive of the existing field of political theology but under-recognized (including and beyond anarchism).


4) We invite papers on secularisms and atheisms in conversation with queer and trans studies in religion, particularly through the lens of freedom, for a possible co-sponsorship with Queer Studies in Religion Unit.




Statement of Purpose

The Political Theology Unit examines the interaction between religious and political thought: how do they influence one another, and how should we respond? Political theology emerged as an area of study through the work of scholars such as Carl Schmitt, who examined the origin of political concepts in Christian theology. The area has also drawn upon theological traditions (Christian, Jewish, and otherwise) in order to reflect constructively upon the way in which politics ought to operate. In recent years, political theology has been taken up by scholars in various disciplines, including philosophy of religion, Biblical studies, Islamic studies, African American religion, sexuality and religion, and elsewhere. This program unit draws upon these diverse approaches in order to explore the contribution of political theology to the study of religion. The Unit aims to expand the conversation about political theology to highlight minority, feminist, and queer voices and to foreground scholars from Jewish, Muslim, and other religious traditions. The goal of the unit is to provide a forum for a diverse group of scholars to explore what political theology means in their own work, how they see the conversation about political theology developing, and how political theology can enrich the study of religion.

Chair Mail Dates
Yountae An - View
Michelle Sanchez - View
Review Process: Participant names are visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection