Queer Studies in Religion Unit
We welcome proposals for paper sessions, roundtables, or papers in queer and trans studies in religion broadly, with particular interest in (a) themes and topics we are also considering/hope to cover in the November AAR meeting, and/or (b) proposals exploring contemporary events and popular culture in conversation with queer and trans studies in religion. We also encourage proposals that involve creative presentation formats.
The core goals of this Unit are as follows: • Foster the application of queer and trans theories to the study of religion • Encourage comparative study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues in religion • Support the growth of bisexual studies and transgender studies in the field. We actively seek to explore the connections between queer and trans studies in religion and complementary or overlapping fields of inquiry, such as postcolonial theory, critical race theory, disability theory, feminist theory, and cultural studies, among others.