RSO (Related scholarly organization) In-person November Annual Meeting 2025

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

Call for Proposals

The Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy welcomes proposals for our two 90min panels at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting, to be held November 22–25, 2025 at Boston, whose presidential theme is freedom. Proposals regarding any aspect of Asian or comparative philosophy are welcome. 


Please submit through AAR PAPERS system. Typically, AAR submission site opens at the end of January, proposals due early to mid-March 2025. You can find instructions here,…


For AAR 2025, one of our allotted two panels will be co-sponsored with Global-Critical Philosophy of Religion on the following theme.

Title – Translational Feminisms for Philosophers of Religion 


CFP description – How might philosophers of religion constructively approach the unresolved, intractable, transcultural issue of patriarchy and gender-based oppression from the theoretical resources of resources typically marginalized by the field? We seek papers and panel proposals that clearly articulate a specific problem, outline arguments in response, and philosophically evaluate the arguments’ merits. Our session will thereby produce a mutually illuminating conversation.

Statement of Purpose

The SACP was established in 1967 as a nonprofit organization aimed at advancing the development of the disciplines of Asian and comparative philosophy in the international academic arena, and bringing together Asian and Western philosophers for a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. It holds panels in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association, the Association of Asian Studies, and the American Academy of Religion. Annual individual membership dues for the SACP are $45 ($30 for students and professors emeriti) and include a subscription to the SACP Forum.The Society also sponsors a monograph series on specialized topics published by the University of Hawai'i Press. For more information about the SACP and about the Journal , Philosophy East and West, please see our website at

Steering Member Mail Dates
Jessica Zu, University of Southern California - View
Minjung Noh, Lehigh University - View
Review Process: Participant names are visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection