In-person November Annual Meeting 2025
CO-SPONSORSHIP: Arts, Literature, and Religion Unit and Mysticism Unit
Call for Proposals
Transhuman Mysticisms: Animals, Aliens, and Objects
This panel considers new approaches to the study of mysticism and the arts, with an emphasis on non-human, more-than-human, and transhuman “mysticisms,” particularly as expressed in visual art, music, film, and science fiction. Topics to be considered include:
· Multi-species mysticisms
· Mysticisms of unfolding: micro- and macrocosmic realities and hierarchies of emergence
· “Astro” mysticisms and “outer” spaces, particularly as represented in film, literature, and the arts
· The “supernatural”: mysticism and ecology/biology; "plant mysticisms"
- Mysticism and Science Fiction
- Mysticism and/as "outsider art"
- Mysticism and New Materialism
Review Process: Participant names are anonymous to chairs and steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection