Co-Sponsorship In-person November Annual Meeting 2025

CO-SPONSORSHIP: Religion, Media, and Culture Unit and Teaching Religion Unit

Call for Proposals

Digital Games/Gaming in the Religious Studies Classroom

We welcome presentations on and/or demonstrations of innovative teaching methods and styles using various digital platforms with a particular focus on games/gaming in the religious studies classroom. We hope to facilitate discussions that evaluate any obstacles that arise when teaching said media in the classroom. Potential concerns include accessibility in terms of cost, skill, and socialization; relevancy and/or triviality; assignment of relevant scholarship; and evaluation of experiential learning. What new possibilities, for instance, are presented in the study and teaching of games in religious studies? How do we begin to recognize “religion” or the “religious” imaginary in games and other media?


Review Process: Participant names are anonymous to chairs and steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection