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Islam, Gender, Women Unit and Study of Islam Unit

Call for Proposals for November Meeting

Feminist Pedagogy in Islamic Studies

For a co-sponsored paper session with the Study of Islam program unit, we invite submissions that center on (1) tangible teaching methods, (2) assignments, (3) classroom activities, (4) curriculum design that foster a feminist pedagogical approach to the Islamic Studies classroom. We envision a session in which presenters share a specific pedagogical tool and discuss its application in the classroom, rather than presenting a traditional paper on feminist pedagogy in Islamic studies, followed by group discussions, thereby meeting our expectation of non-traditional session formats. Submissions should emphasize hands-on approaches, activities, and assignments that engage students in critical thinking and reflection while also paying attention to scholarship on teaching and learning. Proposal should explicitly demonstrate how your submission aligns with feminist pedagogical principles in Islamic Studies and contributes to creating an inclusive and empowering learning environment.



Steering Committee Members


Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to chairs and steering committee members during review, but visible to chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection