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Liu Institute Series on Chinese Christianities: Series Launch at the AAR

Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

Welcome to Liu Institute Series on Chinese Christianities. Thanks to University of Notre Dame Press for their support and be sure to check out our virtual swag bag for exclusive offers from all our sponsors. 

In this roundtable launch of the series, we will cover the first five books in the series. We hope that the panel will also serve as a state-of-the-field reflection on the development of Chinese Christianities as an academic field and its robust activity in the last nine years. As series editor, Alexander Chow has agreed to speak on behalf of the first three books and will make the argument that each of books addresses and presents challenges to core issues in Chinese Christianities. Justin Tse will talk about how his book relocates Chinese Christianities to the Pacific Rim and opens possibilities for the series to examine ‘Chineseness’ from throughout the worlds that literary scholar Shu-Mei Shih has dubbed the ‘Sinophone.’ Jin Lu will discuss how her forthcoming book foregrounds how inculturation is a translingual process. We will have a respondent engage the five books being launched on the panel from a postcolonial theological perspective.


Thursday, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM (June Online Meeting)

Program Unit Options

Session Length

90 Minutes
Schedule Info

Thursday, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM (June Online Meeting)

Session Identifier
