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Perry Schmidt-Leukel’s “Different Comparison” of Buddhism and Christianity (Author Meets Critics)

Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

Panelists discuss with Perry Schmidt-Leukel his new book *The Celestial Web. Buddhism and Christianity. A Different Comparison* (Orbis 2024). Is his application of fractal analysis to religious diversity able to overcome post-structuralist critiques of interreligious comparisons? Which insights can be gained from his approach for the methodologies in Comparative Religion and Comparative Theology? How sound is Schmidt-Leukel’s claim that major typological differences between Buddhism and Christianity replicate within each of the two traditions? To what extent can his approach foster reciprocal illumination and interreligious learning? These questions are discussed by specialists in Comparative Religion, Comparative Theology, Buddhist-Christian Studies and Buddhist Studies / “Buddhist Theology”.


Saturday, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Audiovisual Requirements


LCD Projector and Screen
Podium microphone


I suppose the panel might attract an audience of more than 60 people (depending on schedule, of course).
Program Unit Options

Schedule Preference

Saturday, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Schedule Info

Saturday, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM


#comparative religion
#comparative theology
Buddhist-Christian interreligious dialogue
#interreligious #interfaith
#Religious Pluralism

Session Identifier
