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Teaching Religion Abroad

This pre-arranged roundtable will focus on best practices, innovative ideas, and resources available to AAR/SBL members interested in taking students on short-or long-term faculty-led study abroad programs. Participants will spend five minutes speaking to a specific component of their teaching abroad experiences (planning an itinerary, tying learning objectives to site visits, successful assignments, challenges of framing a pilgrimage vs. secular travel, pros and cons of working with a provider company, fundraising, etc.) before breaking into small groups for discussion and consultation.

We decided to postpone this session last year in order to recruit additional presenters and HOPEFULLY garner a better slot, as it was going to be stuck on Tuesday in San Antonio. Our unit has sponsored roundtable workshops like this in the past, and they result in a great cross-pollination of ideas. While I selected a two-hour session, we could squeeze the workshop into 90 minutes if that fits more easily with our other submissions. Additionally, I put myself down as a moderator and panelist. If that's not acceptable, I will just moderate the session. I included myself in order to fill whatever gaps are left by the other presenters.

Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

This pre-arranged roundtable will focus on best practices, innovative ideas, and resources available to AAR/SBL members interested in taking students on short-or long-term faculty-led study abroad programs. Participants will spend five minutes speaking to a specific component of their teaching abroad experiences (planning an itinerary, tying learning objectives to site visits, successful assignments, challenges of framing a pilgrimage vs. secular travel, pros and cons of working with a provider company, fundraising, etc.) before breaking into small groups for discussion and consultation.

Program Unit Options

Session Length

2 Hours