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Theologies of Catastrophe and Crisis

Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

As the “Constructive Muslim Thought and Engaged Scholarship” seminar enters its fourth year, we continue to share the diverse nature of our collective scholarship in this capacious and developing field. For this session, the participants have been invited to join a roundtable conversation about the task of doing ethics, theology, and critical scholarship in the midst of ongoing catastrophe. What does it mean to do constructive work in moments of crisis? How are their respective projects envisioned? What work do they see their scholarship doing and with whom are they engaged? How is this work done in light of continually unfolding current events? All seminar attendees are encouraged to join the conversation after the invited participants have shared their opening remarks.


Saturday, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Audiovisual Requirements


LCD Projector and Screen
Play Audio from Laptop Computer
Podium microphone
Program Unit Options

Schedule Preference

Saturday, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Schedule Info

Saturday, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Session Identifier
