Submitted to Program Units |
1: Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion |
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)
Institutions of higher education across the nation are increasing the hire of full-time contingency colleagues. The presence of contingent faculty in institutions has been enriching the curriculum in some contexts while disrupting the curriculum in other contexts. This conversation is a gathering to discuss the multilayered experience of being a full-time contingent person in theological education. Participants are invited to connect with other full-time contingency colleagues for conversations concerning the teaching life. Central to the conversation will be an exploration of identity formation, scholarship development, and improving the teaching life. This preconference roundtable will include small groups and plenary discussions as well as shared meals. We will grapple with such questions as: • What does it mean to have a fulfilling career as a full-time contingent scholar? • In what ways can networking enrich and bolster full-time contingency faculty? To register for this event, please connect to our website at the following link: