North American Hinduism Unit
While we accept paper proposals, we strongly encourage paper proposals to respond to our CFP to increase chance of acceptance. We welcome and encourage full panel (paper or roundtable) proposals with a coherent theme that respond to one of the topics listed in the CFP and/or proposals which speak to the unit's priorities and the AAR presidential theme. We believe strongly in collaboration and welcome the opportunity to host cosponsored sessions. If you have any additional questions and/or are interested in submitting to a particular session listed below please contact Rupa Pillai ( or Dheepa Sundaram ( Contact the Chairs advance of submitting proposals if you have any questions or need assistance.
Con-spirituality, Orientalism and Fascism, Yogis, Cottage Industry Gurus—
The BJP and Hindus in the US have been making a concerted effort over the last 20 years to tie the practice of yoga exclusively to Hinduism. Concurrently, these two overlapping but distinct groups are also engaging in Islamophobic and casteist rhetoric, politics and actions that are bringing the fascist goals of Hindutva closer to fruition. Given this, what are the connections between the seemingly innocuous claims of cottage industry gurus, yogis and Hindus “simply wanting to reclaim their religion or decolonize their religion,” and the violence of fascism?
Transforming the Teaching of Hinduism in North American Universities—
In Religious Studies departments across North America, Hinduism is taught in standalone courses or within survey courses such as World Religions. As instructors of such courses, we frequently question our academic freedom in how we teach Hinduism. While we may have innovative ideas to disrupt orientalist approaches that have dominated the field, the structure of academia and outside forces increasingly influence how we teach Hinduism (i.e. the increasing precarity of the professoriate, impact of state and federal policies of curriculum, etc). This panel seeks papers that share struggles and dream possibilities to transform the teaching of Hinduism in North American universities. Papers might explore the following questions: How have curricular requirements by the state influenced how you teach Hinduism? What other issues limit your freedom to teach Hinduism? And what pedagogical approaches can help our students to analyze power and inspire them to be engaged citizens?
Academic Freedom, Equity Practices, and the Study of Asian Religions in North America (roundtable session)
Inspired by the 2025 AAR Presidential Theme, this panel explores the state of academic freedom of scholars of Asian religions training and/or employed in North America. We are particularly interested in how nonprofit-designated organizations and practitioner-focused groups can impact, shape, and direct how Asian religions such as Hinduism are critically engaged in academic settings as well as scholarship and teaching within public-facing venues. Some questions that shape our thinking for this session: How does the proliferation of endowed positions impact the academic freedom of the scholars who hold them and the departments that house them? How do the composition of South Asian/Asian Studies and Religion departments impact and shape graduate admissions and thereby shape the field at large? What are the possibilities of pursuing public scholarship and how should scholars of Asian religionsbecome public scholars?
Sikh-Hindu Relations in the North America: Contexts and Conflicts
Co-Sponsor: Sikh Studies Unit
Migration and labor histories, racialization and anticolonial movements, legacies of Partition and 1984, diasporic clashes and interreligious violence—Sikh-Hindu relations in North America are shaped by many contexts and conflicts. The North American Hinduism Unit and the Sikh Studies Unit invite papers that draw on archival, literary, ethnographic, and/or interdisciplinary approaches to the study of Sikh-Hindu relations in North America. Topics might include:1) histories of migrant labor, racialization, immigration, and citizenship, 2) anticolonial movements, the Ghadar Party, Hindu-Sikh presence in California, 3) Sikh-Hindu religious practices, 4) impact of Partition (1947) and the 1984 Anti-Sikh violence on diasporic relations, 5) political formations and questions of sovereignty in the diaspora, 6) Sikh-Hindu inter-religious conflicts in North America.
Political Extremism and Rise of Asian American Religious Conservatisms
Co-Sponsor: Asian North American Religion, Culture, and Society Unit
As we prepare for another Trump administration,, the impact on minoritized and marginalized communities will be significant. While such impacts, particularly in terms of migration, labor, and race have been discussed at length, the internal divisions within non-majoritarian communities in the US and in North America writ large is often lost. This session examines the rise of Asian American conservatisms, broadly construed. We seek to understand the various communities that identify as “Asian” and “conservative” within a landscape of conservative politics which embraces anti-immigrant sentiment and policies, finds common cause with anti-equity policies in education, and seeks to promote majoritarian (read: white) victimhood politics. Many of these policies are palatable within Asian American communities that view themselves as different or exceptional in relation to other immigrant communities. For example, in response to the Heritage foundation’s Project 2025 manifesto, the Hindu American Foundation, a Hindu nationalist organization in the US, welcoming the "opportunity to work with incoming Trump administration," announced its own Hindu American policy and issue priorities for 2025. We welcome papers which address the rise in Asian American conservatisms, their racialized and minoritized positionalities within a political climate that is increasingly anti-immigrant, how they view affirmative action and other programs from which many Asian Americans benefit, and the intersection of conservative politics in the US and religious nationalisms within Asian American communities.
This Unit was established in 2006 for the purpose of drawing greater scholarly attention to Hinduisms outside of South Asia. Though it will focus on North America, the Unit also welcomes relevant research on Hinduisms and related South Asian traditions and cultures in other non-Indian contexts. The Unit has three main goals: • To study and describe Hinduisms in North America and related diaspora contexts • To develop a more sophisticated understanding of what distinguishes these Hinduisms from those in South Asia • To nurture thoughtful debate on the methodologies unique to and appropriate for their study.
Call for Proposals:
The Steering Committee composes the Call for Proposals for NAH sessions for the AAR Annual Meeting; Steering Committee chairs facilitate proposals for the emerging scholars panel, all other proposals in the CFP are overseen by a point person, Steering Committee reviews, shapes and accepts proposals for submitted sessions; reviews and reports on sessions; and communicates with the NAH constituency.
The Steering Committee is made up of 5-7 members, two of whom are elected or determined by consensus by the steering committee to serve as co-chairs. A Steering Committee term is three years, renewable for a second three years if everyone is amenable. The terms are staggered, so that there are continuity and change on the committee. During a total of six possible years, a member might serve a co-chair term, which is three years. A member elected to serve as co-chair has at least one full year’s experience on the Steering Committee. The co-chair elections are staggered as well, so that each new co-chair serves with an experienced co-chair.
The co-chairs are responsible for conducting the business meeting of NAH, completing the post-AAR Annual Meeting survey, initiating review of proposals, working with steering committee members and submitters to put together sessions, and moderate communication of the Steering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee make decisions on substantive matters. All attend the Annual Meeting. All attend the NAH Business Meeting.
Members of the Steering Committee are replaced by the following procedure: when there is a vacancy, after the Annual Meeting the co-chairs ask the NAH constituency for nominations. From among the nominees, the Steering Committee votes to elect a new member.
Chair | Dates | ||
Dheepa Sundaram, University of Denver | | - | View |
Rupa Pillai | | - | View |
Steering Member | Dates | ||
Aarti Patel, Syracuse University | | - | View |
Gaurika Mehta | | - | View |
Shreena Gandhi | | - | View |
Pre-arranged panels should reflect gender, caste, and racial/ethnic diversity as well as diversity of field, method, and scholarly rank as appropriate.
• To diversity session presenters’ composition, we combine anonymous review with other review practices, such as making proposer names visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members. Co-chairs also work with potential session proposers to assist them creating sessions that reflect diversity of the field and are inclusive in their approach to proposed panelists.
• Assign presiders and respondents with an eye to diversity and bridges with new constituencies.
• Co-Chairs will try to put together an "Emerging Scholars in North American Hinduism" which will include a mentor from the steering committee, a chance to workshop their paper with this mentor, and an opportunity to present new research for feedback. We see this panel as establishing our commitment to supporting early career scholars in the field and providing a space for this research at the Annual Meeting.
• All session reviews are conducted by the co-chairs and steering committee with an eye towards representation of diverse voices with attention to providing a platform for marginalized and minoritized groups within the Academy at large and within North American Hindu spaces in particular