Co-Sponsorship In-person November Annual Meeting 2025

CO-SPONSORSHIP: Asian North American Religion, Culture, and Society Unit and North American Hinduism Unit

Call for Proposals

Political Extremism and Rise of Asian American Religious Conservatisms

As we prepare for another Trump administration,, the impact on minoritized and marginalized communities will be significant. While such impacts, particularly in terms of migration, labor, and race have been discussed at length, the internal divisions within non-majoritarian communities in the US and in North America writ large is often lost. This session examines the rise of Asian American conservatisms, broadly construed. We seek to understand the various communities that identify as “Asian” and “conservative” within a landscape of conservative politics which embraces anti-immigrant sentiment and policies, finds common cause with anti-equity policies in education, and seeks to promote majoritarian (read: white) victimhood politics. Many of these policies are palatable within Asian American communities that view themselves as different or exceptional in relation to other immigrant communities. For example, in response to the Heritage foundation’s Project 2025 manifesto, the Hindu American Foundation, a Hindu nationalist organization in the US, welcoming the "opportunity to work with incoming Trump administration," announced its own Hindu American policy and issue priorities for 2025. We welcome papers which address the rise in Asian American conservatisms, their racialized and minoritized positionalities within a political climate that is increasingly anti-immigrant, how they view affirmative action and other programs from which many Asian Americans benefit, and the intersection of conservative politics in the US and religious nationalisms within Asian American communities.

Chair Mail Dates
Dheepa Sundaram, University of Denver - View
Helen Jin Kim, Emory University - View
Jesse Lee - View
Review Process: Participant names are anonymous to chairs and steering committee members until after final acceptance/rejection