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CO-SPONSORED SESSION: Religion and Ecology Unit and Religion and Food Unit

Call for Proposals for November Meeting

With potential to respond to the overall meeting call, we welcome papers, which consider in/justice and non/violence in human-made food systems linked to particular ecological territory. Examples might address extractivist economies and extractivist logic in various spaces for food, people, and land, relevant to resource conflict and food security in climate weirding, indigenous people and traditional ecological knowledge, variations in animal agriculture, and unjust working conditions among food producers: farmers, migrant workers, etc. We encourage papers offering critical-constructive work to both understand concerns and address them, intellectually and practically, through, for example, enabling religious/ethical efforts to reframe, redirect, restore, replenish, renew, strengthen, or rebuild communities and the living world at the intersection of food, environment, and religion.



Steering Committee Members


Review Process

Proposer names are visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members