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Hindu Philosophy Unit and Tantric Studies Unit
Call for Proposals for November Meeting
We seek papers for a possible co-sponsored session on Loriliai Biernacki's recent book The Matter of Wonder: Abhinavagupta's Panentheism and the New Materialism (OUP 2023) and on Hindu philosophies of materiality more broadly.
Michael Allen, University of Virginia1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Anya Golovkova, Lake Forest College1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Glen Hayes, Bloomfield College1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Parimal G. Patil, Harvard University1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Steering Committee Members
Loriliai Biernacki, University of Colorado1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Lynna Dhanani, University of California, Davis1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Ellen Gough, Emory University1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Shaman Hatley, University of Massachusetts, Boston1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Richard K. Payne, Graduate Theological Union1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Catherine Prueitt, University of British Columbia1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Lancaster University1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Jason Schwartz, University of California, Santa Barbara1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Vesna Wallace, University of California, Santa Barbara1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Ben Williams, Naropa University1/1/2024 - 12/31/2029
Review Process
Proposals are anonymous to chairs and steering committee members during review, but visible to chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection