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Open and Relational Theologies Unit and Pragmatism and Empiricism in American Religious Thought Unit

Call for Proposals for November Meeting

Roundtable participants on the theme of pedagogy and power for a discussion. Rather than presenting formal papers, panelists will engage in an extended discussion with fellow panelists and attendees. They will discuss how their theoretical interests and commitments—to an open and relational standpoint or pragmatism and empiricism—inform their teaching practice and understanding of power. Proposals should explain interest in participating in the roundtable and share concrete examples of the creative ways you have adapted your pedagogy based on your commitment to the principles of your discipline. We especially welcome reflection on how you contend with power as part of teaching religion, as well as pedagogical practices that address issues related to marginality in the classroom.



Steering Committee Members


Review Process

Proposals are anonymous to chairs and steering committee members during review, but visible to chairs prior to final acceptance or rejection