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Special Session

Call for Proposals for November Meeting

A limited number of special sessions are approved by the Program Committee each year. These are intended to be experimental, creative, or timely sessions that address an area of interest that does not naturally fall within the purview of one or more existing Program Units OR that address a current issue/event of interest to multiple AAR constituencies. The Program Committee occasionally approves special sessions for sessions that would be one-time only or special to the year or location. Special Sessions may only be submitted through PAPERS by March 8, 2024. Under exceptional circumstances, special sessions may also be proposed to address a pressing issue that arises after the proposal deadline.

Guidelines for special sessions:

  • Special sessions are accepted through PAPERS only.
  • Special session proposals must provide a rationale based on the criteria above.
  • Special sessions must use one of the prearranged session proposal formats (papers session or roundtable).
  • Make sure the special session does not cover an area already covered by an existing program unit. If a proposal fits within an established program unit's mission, the proposal will be forwarded to that unit. If a proposal is submitted both as a special session and also to a program unit, it will be eliminated from consideration as a special session.

The Program Committee evaluates all Special Session proposals. Notification of program acceptance will be announced by early April.

Call for Proposals for Online June Meeting

The Program Committee encourages proposals for special sessions to the Online June Sessions of the Annual Meetings.


Steering Committee Members


Review Process

Proposer names are visible to chairs and steering committee members at all times