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Theological, Pedagogical, and Ethical Approaches to Israel/Palestine Seminar

Call for Proposals for November Meeting

We are looking for papers on the following topics that examine pedagogical and ethical approaches:

  • Israel/Palestine: Academic Limits to Censorship and Free Speech
  • Remember Amalek: Weaponizing Religion, Critical Perspectives on Israel/Palestine
  • Pedagogy and Israel/Palestine Studies in the Religious Studies Classroom
  • Christian Zionism: Catholic, Protestant and Global Perspectives
  • Globalizing the Nakba: Transnational Solidarities
  • Settler-Colonialism, Indigenous Struggles, Israel/Palestine, and Religion from 1492-1948
  • Compulsory Zionism: The New Humanism in the Academy
  • Israel/Palestine in the Study of Religion in North America


Call for Proposals for Online June Meeting

The online session permits us to focus on issues that will bring together international scholars to engage in conversations about Israel/Palestine in a global context:

Christian Zionism: Catholic, Protestant and Global Perspectives

Globalizing the Nakba: Transnational Solidarities

Settler-Colonialism, Indigenous Struggles, Israel/Palestine, and Religion from 1492-1948

Statement of Purpose

This seminar is designed to bring a religious studies dimension to the emergent theological, pedagogical, ethical, and social scientific inquiry on Israel/Palestine that is developing in a variety of subfields across academia. We intend to contribute to a number of cutting-edge discourses that create interdependencies among Islamic, Christian, Jewish and secular conversations. Our focus will be on ethical questions raised by the century-old conflict in Israel/Palestine, including, for example, the political uses of archeological programs, religious tours, and the participation of international organizations. We will survey theological questions that emerge from interactions, both pacific and conflictual. The seminar will engage mainstream theological discourses, and also those emerging from collectives that are pushed aside or subsumed by reigning discourses. Because Israel/Palestine has been a subject causing major controversy in academia and especially in our Religious Studies classrooms we will interrogate pedagogical questions and strategies to discover how we can create educational frameworks that respect multiple identities and contribute to social justice. Finally, the seminar will explore anthropological and sociological frameworks that focus on multiple nationalisms, modern capitalistic and socialist development, imperialisms, critique of political economy, settler colonialism, interfaith dialogue and modernity/coloniality to examine their connections to the religious studies analysis of the conflict. The seminar will welcome all AAR members who write, teach, and think about these subjects and welcome respectful encounters with scholars with opposing views that will benefit the development of new approaches to Israel/Palestine Studies.


Steering Committee Members


Review Process

Proposer names are visible to chairs but anonymous to steering committee members