Submitted to Program Units |
1: Women and Religion Unit |
2: Religion in Europe Unit |
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)
2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the first ordination of women to the priesthood in The Episcopal Church (USA), an opportune time for a panel devoted to Agnes Maude Royden: one of the most famous and influential women in the English-speaking world in the first half of the twentieth century. A leader in the suffrage movement, she became the first woman to hold a full-time preaching position in England and the first woman to preach from John Calvin’s pulpit. During W.W.I Royden was an outspoken pacifist. A lifelong Anglican, Royden worked tirelessly for the ordination of women. The panel’s papers explore significant aspects of Royden’s life and work that have received little attention: her travels to, sermons, and publications about Palestine and India, ways she incorporated psychology into her writings about sex, and Royden’s various contributions to and innovations in worship and missions that foreshadow recent trends.
- Peace-Making and The Problem of Palestine: Maude Royden as Public Theologian
- Freud, Christianity, and Desire: Maude Royden’s Modernist Sexual Theology
- Maude Royden and Missional Theology: The Guildhouse as a Feminist “Fresh Expression”