Submitted to Program Units |
1: Gay Men and Religion Unit |
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)
For this June session, we have invited scholars to share their works in progress in a workshop that delves into the interplay of embodied experiences and advocacy for social justice in religious contexts. Spanning philosophical, cultural, and theological terrains, the papers unravel the complexities of desire, sexuality, and the pursuit of equality. From Plato to Heidegger to M. Shawn Copeland, we explore the link between desire and physicality, contemplating both affirmations of physical intimacy and reckonings with violence against marginalized bodies. We confront normative constructs perpetuated by white Christian nationalism and navigate the complexities of LGBTQIA+ advocacy within the Black Church, dissecting the mechanisms of reinforcement and resistance.
- Raising a Son, Razing a Nation: White Christian Nationalism and the Farcical Mission to Turn Every Boy into a Straight Man
- Silent Violence: The Sources of Internalized Homophobia and the Damage It Does to Both Self and Others