Submitted to Program Units |
1: Liberation Theologies Unit |
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)
This session will include papers exploring the formation of global solidarities and offer responses to the general AAR theme (“Violence, Nonviolence, and the Margins”) from the perspective of liberation theologies. Papers will explore these themes from multiple angles and locations. Panelists will attend to the decolonization of the politics of extractivism in Indonesia from the perspective of Islamic ethics, resistance to military violence in Myanmar, the "power of negativity" in queer studies in religion, and Franz Hinkelammert's contribution to Latin American liberation theology. Combined, these papers will offer avenues for conversations on intersectional acts of solidarity and new developments in liberation theologies.
- Crucifixion, Self-Immolation, and Queer Refusal: The Power of Radical Negativity
- Decolonizing the politics of extractivism: Towards an Islamic ethics of repair (iṣlāh) in Indonesia
- The Solidarity of Myanmar People in Resisting the Military Regime for Collective Liberation
- Franz Hinkelammert’s Contributions to Latin American Liberation Theology
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