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Jewish-Christian Relations from Orthodox Christian Perspectives

Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)

This session seeks to widen Jewish-Christian dialogue by considering how Orthodox exegetical traditions, liturgy, history, contemporary thought, and ongoing political experience, especially in the Middle East, can and should affect not only Orthodox Christianity’s own relationship to Jews and Judaism, but also its relationship to Jewish-Christian dialogue more broadly.


  • Orthodox Christianity and Modern Jewish-Christian Relations: A History


    Using unpublished archives from the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva and the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambésy, this paper relates the history of Orthodox Christianity’s initial entrance into and ongoing place in Jewish-Christian dialogue. After briefly recounting the post-WWII origins of modern Jewish-Christian dialogue, from which Orthodox Christians were almost entirely absent, we examine the story of direct attempts by the WCC, primarily in the early 1970s, to fill the “Orthodox gap.” These attempts, however, generally failed, not because Orthodox representatives at the time were resistant to dialogue with Jews per se, but because they were resistant to pursuing such a dialogue with the same political and theological assumptions with which it had unfolded elsewhere. In fact, around the same time, Orthodox Christians, under the sponsorship of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, began their own bilateral relationship with Jews, outside of the auspices of the WCC. Surveying the history of these bilateral meetings, from their beginnings in 1976 to the most recent in 2022, this paper concludes with an analysis of what the “official” Orthodox Christian-Jewish bilateral relationship has thus far achieved and what it still lacks.

  • Avoiding Scylla and Charybdis --Orthodox Responses to the Jewish People
  • The Martyrdom of St Judas Cyriacus as a Christian anti-Jewish Rhetoric with Jewish Elements
  • He Arose as a Lion Cub: The Lamentations of Great and Holy Saturday as Exegesis of Israel's Warrior
  • Renewing Orthodox Christian Faith, Worship, and Life through Jewish Dialogue


    While Orthodox Christian-Jewish dialogue often and necessarily centres on elements of anti-Judaism within Christian preaching, teaching, and worship, this paper focuses on some of the enriching insights that can be gained through this engagement. This paper will address three broad themes: (1) the recovery of the full narrative of God and Israel — and a truer christotelic rather than a limited christocentric typology; (2) the illumination and deeper understanding of existing Orthodox Christian liturgical and faith practices through a Jewish perspective and interpretation; and (3) the retrieval of a more vital sense of living patristic tradition reflecting the dynamic “Talmudic” approach to seeking truth through dialogue, debate, and the application of heuristic methods. Through engagement and dialogue with the Jewish community, Orthodox Christians stand to gain fresh insights into the living tradition of the church, and rediscover neglected aspects of faith and practice.

Audiovisual Requirements


LCD Projector and Screen
Podium microphone

Sabbath Observance

Sunday morning

Full Papers Available

Program Unit Options

Session Length

2 Hours
Schedule Info

Sunday, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM



Session Identifier
