Submitted to Program Units |
1: Vatican II Studies Unit |
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)
Sixty years ago, women first stepped into the council hall and for the first time during a session, Patrick Keegan, as lay auditor, addressed the Council Fathers. Together with the other lay auditors and with the involvement of other members of the laity, they ensured the integration of decades of experience with the lay apostolate and their engagement in the public sphere. This session seeks contributions to reassess the laity’s impact on Vatican II, explore their legacy in responding to and challenging the council, and discuss their ongoing influence on church teaching. What characterized the profile and role of the laity at Vatican II, did these aspects evolve in the post-Vatican II era, and how can their advocacy and identity be comprehended? How has the expansion of laypeople's roles in the church specifically impacted women? How did the laity and lay groups shape or resist the conciliar reception?
- “Working the Lord’s Field”: Vatican II and the self-identification process of auxiliaires de l’Apostolat
- “Polarized Perspectives on a Woman’s Place in the Church: Leadership Conference of Women Religious and Consortium Perfectae Caritatis, 1970-1974”
- Embracing Gender Equality in the Church and in the Society: Vatican II’s Reception in the International Catholic Women’s Movements (1965-1991)