Submitted to Program Units |
1: Queer Studies in Religion Unit |
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)
Queer and trans studies in religion has historically focused heavily on, and come from, Europe and North America. Relatedly, the field has also often centered white Protestant Christianity. This panel implicitly challenges, and moves beyond, that limited scope. The papers that comprise this panel address and attend to the intersections of queer and trans lives and theories, and religious studies and expressions among diverse contexts and cultures: from a critical analysis of homohindunationalism, to an ethnographic exploration of trans Catholic experiences, to an exploration of transgender and gender non-conforming devotees of a Japanese Buddhist religious movement.
- Neither Confusing Nor Scandalous: The Joy and Resistance of Trans Catholic Realities
- The Karma of Gender: How Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Members of Soka Gakkai in Japan Challenge Temporalities and Institutional Fixity
Sabbath Observance
Sunday morning
Full Papers Available