Submitted to Program Units |
1: Theology and Religious Reflection Unit |
Abstract for Online Program Book (maximum 150 words)
How does movement across borders affect the self-understanding of a Korean immigrant church in the United States? How does the trauma experienced by Vietnamese refugees lead to the need for an embodied epistemology? And how might the trauma of Christ's passion be represented in differently situated gospel narratives written in contexts of political contestation - conquest and exile from an emperor's court? Exploring the complicated textures of trauma, its consequences, and its movement into new political conditions, these three papers offer case studies in trauma and representation across borders.
- Touching War Wounds: Vietnamese Refugee Trauma, Textured Forgiveness, and the Need for Sensory Epistemologies
- From Separation/survival to Embrace/self-emptiness: Politics, Religion, and the Korean Immigrant Church
- WITHDRAWN: Conquered and Exiled: Comparative Traumatizations of the Betrayed Jesus in the Heliand and Homerocentones
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